Random musings and observations from an individual with too much time on his hands

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


What is the hold that Lewis Carrol's books have on us? Everyone from great artists like The Beatles to hacks like American McGee have found inspiration from these stories.

They have been retold many times – Jeff Noon's Automated Alice, Disney's cartoon, and many to follow. Adult themes seem to follow in many homages, like the obvious drug references in White Rabbit.

I have wallowed through an Alice deluge, like I do from time to time. Except for the videogame (I'm not vary partial to First Person Shooters), I have looked around for more wherever it seems to appear.

To me, there are two obvious themes that run deep through the genre: Moving from childhood to adulthood & the illogical logic of every character encountered. I am sure you could find several more.

Wonderland has, as far as I'm concerned anymore, become a genre of itself. Many children's cartoons and shows have done wonderland themes. Comic books bring them in over and over again. Can't you see shades of Wonderland in several Batman villains, especially the Joker?

Thank the graces that it has at least passed into the public domain, to be shaped again and again by the culture that has assimilated it.
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