Random musings and observations from an individual with too much time on his hands

Friday, April 23, 2004

Old Cars

I love my old 68 Tempest. It's fun to tool around in the old beast. I keep it in good condition too. (Well, considering the couple of accidents the body has seen--but that's getting fixed soon.) Hey, at least I don't have to empty the oil pan sitting under the block into the engine every week to keep the oil level up!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Thank Joe for the Sun!

…overnight I became a sun worshiper. Well, not overnight, but first thing the next morning.


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Shave the whales

Save the whales, collect all 26.

Skin our knees

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Living on the henge

There was a bit of a problem the other day in England when a stone circle was pained.

Check out BBC news

What amazes me is the cost of cleanup is between £30,000 and £100,000, and that they're so interested in the lichens on them. Maybe I need to learn more about them.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Passion & Temptation

Same guy, same story. Similar amount of controversy. And in a few years we'll remember it just the same.

Billboard Song

Happy April Fools Day!

Thought I'd share a lyrics snippit with you.

Smoke Coca-Cola Cigarettes, chew Wrigley's Spearmint beer
Ken-L Ration Dog Food keeps your wife's complexion clear
Simonize your baby with a Hershey's candy bar
And Texaco's the beauty cream that's used by all the stars

So take your next vacation in a brand new Fridgidaire
Learn to play piano in your winter underwear
Doctors say that babies should smoke until they're three
And people over 65 should bathe in Lipton Tea

"Biological Weapon"

If cigar smoke counts as a "Biological Weapon"
These people can't hardly afford to get a cold, much less weapons.
Hey! Bush! Leave those kids alone!

The Bush administration has warned that Cuba may have a biological weapons program that represents a terrorist threat to the United States.

U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton told a congressional committee Tuesday there is a "strong" case the communist island has biological weapons.

Mr. Bolton also said intelligence shows that Cuba has shared some of its weapons technology with rogue states.

The U.S. State Department has accused Cuba of harboring terrorists and has listed the island as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Besides, this isn't lowering oil prices any.

Please, for the love of god, vote Kerry.
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