Random musings and observations from an individual with too much time on his hands

Saturday, January 24, 2004


Alright. It's for sure this time. I'm back. Dagnabbit.

I'm taking photography and ceramics this semester. YAY! A break for my left brain. Of course writing an operating system this semester should weigh in the other half. Anyhow, there are a ton of things, such as this, that I have been putting off for a semester.

Catching up on this stuff is my new job.


Saturday, January 03, 2004


Mr Wheaton had this to say (with uberquoting)

January 01, 2004
united we stand

Check this out:

In 1968, Richard Nixon won the White House. He did it in a shameful way--by dividing Americans against one another, stirring up racial prejudices, and bringing out the worst in people.

They called it the "Southern Strategy," and the Republicans have been using it ever since. Nixon pioneered it, and Ronald Reagan perfected it, using phrases like "racial quotas" and "welfare queens" to convince white Americans that minorities were to blame for all of America's problems.

The Republican Party would never win elections if they came out and said their core agenda was about selling America piece by piece to their campaign contributors and making sure that wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of a few. To distract people from their real agenda, they run elections based on race, dividing us, instead of uniting us....

In America, there is nothing black or white about having to live from one paycheck to the next. It's time we had a new politics in America--a politics that refuses to pander to our lowest prejudices. Because when white people and black people and brown people vote together, that's when we make true progress in this country.

Posted by wil at 03:41 PM

I wish I knew how the "TrackBack" feature works.


Just a bit of something I was talking about over on the ES message boards:

Oh Jesusmaryandjoseph! Don't get me started on the CRAP the include as an afterthought in the news paper. We lost the trinity years ago. Bloom County/Outland, Calvin and Hobbes, and The Far Side.


It was old and lame years ago, stretched as if it were Bilbo at the end of the third age. Too many comics sit on the page plugged into life support. The have all the edge of a barn side. I can't hardly bear to look at them anymore.

So I go online for my comics fix.
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